Case study: FSRU saltwater discharge turbine
As part of our ongoing efforts to continuously improve efficiency, Golar Engineers found an innovative solution to save energy aboard FSRUs by modifying the LNG-seawater heating system.
Most FSRUs utilise seawater to heat LNG. Pumps lift water 25 metres from sea level to the regasification module on the main deck. Lifting up to 18,000 m3/h of sea water per day requires approximately 1.4 MW of energy. On conventional FSRUs this energy is wasted as water drains by gravity back to sea level.
While it takes a lot of energy for water to work against gravity, working with it opens up energy innovation opportunities which Golar took advantage of. By inserting a generator-mounted turbine into the discharge pipe, Golar harvests wasted energy.
The turbine can produce up to 1.2 MW of clean energy (recovering 85% of the power used for the lifting process). This represents a 7% improvement on total system efficiency, corresponding to an approximate saving of 5 tons of fuel per day when regasifying at full load.
A pilot project has been successfully installed and is now in operation.